The reading I have done before commencing with this part of the module has really been invaluable. There has been so many situations in the past when this prior knowledge would have helped considerably in achieving some great photographs.
I look forward to the future and all the rest that I will be learning! Well back to it.
Ask yourself when you look in the viewfinder at the image if you want it to be recorded as an average tone?
Project:- The Intensity of Light
Exercise 1 Measuring Exposure (Part A)
Produce between four and six photographs deliberately darker or lighter than average and say why.
Skate Park
f4.5 @1/2000 sec ISO 100 12mm
The corner was dark but there was a lot of direct sunlight upon the subject. I chose to make the photograph darker in order to retain the effect of the shadows
In the beauty of a winters morning and my usual drive to work around the back lanes surrounding our home, I looked across at a field that I pass by everyday and was struck by the beauty.
Taken darker. The sky was very light as the sun was breaking through the clouds. This took away any detail in the cloud so by taking the shot at a higher aperture setting I increased the detail in the sky and managed to achieve a less dominet sun while retaining the morning mist and the beautiful setting. All round I was very pleased with the results.
The Wall
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f22 @ 1/10sec ISO 400 18mm |
Taken darker as the stone was extremely light when viewed from the lens. It did up up being a flat image that required a fair amount of work in lightroom for me to get it to it's present state. I wanted to emphasis the texture of the brick and the exposure setting helped me to do this by increasing the blacks and also heaviness adjusting the contrast.
The idea had come from a photograph I had seen in a hotel while in Liverpool earlier in the year. It is not John Lennon but has the same sort of presence in it's impact.
Using the information I had learnt from the colour section I adjusted the red, orange and yellow levels to assist with the adjustments, closely followed by my favourites clarity, contrast and blacks. The whole point was to show the grain and pull out the small area of graffiti, keeping it not too dominant.
The photograph below is not the actual print but gives you an idea of what I had in mind.........................
Produce between four and six photographs deliberately darker or lighter than average and say why.
Sloped Roof
f4.5 @ 1/200 |
The same lamp post as the earlier photography but on a very different day. A very dark corner, taken deliberately lighter to show the textures of the brick and wood and also details of the buildings and slopes of the roofs. The image could not be too bright so as not to blow out the sky.
The area was quite dark and I wanted to ensure that I could hand tint to remove the surrounding colour but leave the door blue. I hope it enhanced the effect of old and from past era's
Salvation Door
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1/25 sec at f8 ISO 200 11mm |
Platinum Pool
This is a very dark area down at the bottom of our village, because of this I took the photograph lighter though not massively otherwise the reflections would have been lost with the overblown sky. The image was then given a palladium print plug in treatment to create the larger print as shown above.
Field of Poppies
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f20 1/40sec ISO 200 200mm |
One of my favourite photographs that I have on my website. I used a filter as the photograph was taken in direct sunlight. Apart from that I have made no other change. I made the photograph lighter so I could increase the contrast and darks in Lightroom to fully show the difference in the crop and the poppies.
Exercise 1 (Part B)
Take 5 or 6 Photographs, of any subject, but for each one make five exposures, arranged what is measured as the best exposure.
When complete see which one is the most central exposure and if it was the one you expected it to be
When complete see which one is the most central exposure and if it was the one you expected it to be
The Church Cross
This photograph was taken initally for an experiment on edge lighting that not work. So while I was there I thought I would use it for this exercise. My preference is the one that is a stop darker than the central exposure. There is a little detail in the grounds surrounding the cross with, the sky having some colour, not totally washed out by the sun.
I kept the shutter speed consistent at /14000 sec and the ISO at 200 to prevent as much light leakage as possible. I then altered the aperture settings in order to gain the 4 different exposures
The GP
The Best Exposure
Number 1
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f5.0 @1/10 sec ISO 200 15mm |
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1/13 sec |
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1/5 sec |
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1.50 sec |
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1/20sec |
This was the central choice as it kept the most tone and colour intensity. The light on the factory is dim and I did not have any external flash with me so that may influence the decision.
The Silver Birch Coppice
The Best Exposure
Number 1
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f5.6 @1/160sec ISO 200 18mm As taken |
On a cold winters day, early January 2010 I was driving back from taking my partner to meet up for a day at the races. As I drove past this coppice of birch tress I was taken a back by their colour and presence. The light was not great and I had little experience in such situations.
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1/160 sec |
Silver Birch
- h
- m
- ,
- m
- Far too much light exposure. There is no silver colour in the trees and everywhere looks washed out.
Exercise 2
Take similar shots are both normal and high sensitivity settings. Choose a situation that is marginal, with a mixture of light levels and subject movement or depth of field is only just possible.
Project:- The Colour of Light
Exercise 3 Judging Colour Balance 1
Use a subject you can move around, this is colourless. On a clear day take three photographs
Full Sun, middle of the day. Mid-morning or afternoon
One in shade same time
One is sunlight when the sun is close to the horizon
Make sure the camera white balance is set to daylight NOT automatic
Exercise 4 Judging Colour Balance 2
Look at 3 images from first exercise (and read your notes of discovery)
Take a similar situation to the last one and shoot the same three kinds of photograph, but for each one vary the cameras white balance setting take in
Make sure the camera white balance is set to daylight NOT automatic
Exercise 4 Judging Colour Balance 2
Look at 3 images from first exercise (and read your notes of discovery)
Take a similar situation to the last one and shoot the same three kinds of photograph, but for each one vary the cameras white balance setting take in
Project:- The Time of Day
Exercise 5 Light through the Day (12 Images)
On a sunny day, photograph one scene from from dusk to dawn, at least one an hour. Landscape location that will that will catch the sunlight even when the sun is close to the horizon. It needs to offer a good clear view that is lit throughout the day.
Exercise 6 Variety with a Low Sun
Choose any subject, but must be in full light
Frontal Lighting
Side Lighting
Back Lighting
Edge Lighting
Exercise 7 Weather and Rain
Part 1
Photograph the same view in sunlight and under cloud. 4-6 images
Photograph the same view in sunlight and under cloud. 4-6 images
Looking through some old photographs I came across this one from last winter when the water from the road immediately turned to ice as the air was so cold. The sunlight would have given too much reflection and made the area look too fresh and clean so I believe that the cloudy day was the better option.
Part 2
Take three photographs outdoors, on an overcast day with shadowless light. Look for details that have pronounced relief (Strongly marked, distinctive). Also, a subject with strong colour 3 images.
Take three photographs outdoors, on an overcast day with shadowless light. Look for details that have pronounced relief (Strongly marked, distinctive). Also, a subject with strong colour 3 images.
Tree Felling
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Taken locally there was some tree felling going on to clear an area which there were some dispute as to the ownership of. It was a horrible grey day but the edge of the tress make a good contrast.
Part 3
You need rain, three photographs required. Look for reflections, patterns of raindrops or any interesting visual effects 2 images
You need rain, three photographs required. Look for reflections, patterns of raindrops or any interesting visual effects 2 images
Market Place
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Add caption |
The reflections from the market area are loud and proud and show the stand for what it is. Brings you in and gets you buying!
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f16 1/100 SEC ISO 1600 13mm |
The rainbow seemed very difficult to capture and I had a hard getting the lighting right. I don't think that I managed a great shot and feel a bit at odds to post but, it is the exercise so here it is!
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
Taking yourself out of the comfort zone and working around the light that is available.
I have been working in this area for a little while with bands and people. There are times when I have had great success and times when things have gone horribly wrong. My biggest bug bear is understanding all the information that comes with the external flash. Also, understanding my 70-200mm 2.8 lens has been a real challenge.
I have been working in this area for a little while with bands and people. There are times when I have had great success and times when things have gone horribly wrong. My biggest bug bear is understanding all the information that comes with the external flash. Also, understanding my 70-200mm 2.8 lens has been a real challenge.
I have today purchased a light diffuser and also a remote for my flash. There are a few small problems with the remote which I hope will be solved before the weekend. I hate the fact that you purchase something and things don't work. Oh well.
Project:- Available Light
Exercise 1 Tungsten and fluorescent lighting
Tungsten Light - Heated by an element until it glows (Light Bulb)
They look orange or yellow to the eye and photographs reddish.
Florescent Light - Long tubes found in factories or supermarkets.
They look orange or yellow to the eye and photographs reddish.
Florescent Light - Long tubes found in factories or supermarkets.
Exercise 2 Outdoors at night
Project:- Photographic Lighting
Assignment thoughts.
I have found this article today when looking for an answer to another question about flash units. Photograph a hairy flower for assignment?
I have found this article today when looking for an answer to another question about flash units. Photograph a hairy flower for assignment?
"The fine hairs on this flower are perfect for backlighting, especially when combined with a dark background. The light from behind has revealed their structure and texture. To light the flower head, the remote flash was placed on a tripod behind the subject, with a large diffusing screen to soften the shadows, and aimed towards the flower. It was triggered with an ST-E2 mounted on the camera. The great advantage of using a wireless flash system is that it can be used in the field without any difficulty"
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