Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Project 5: Rhythm and Pattern - Exercises and Notes

Brief:  Produce at least two photographs, one should convey rhythm, the other pattern

St Pauls Cathedral Birmingham
1/200 sec f5.6 16mm ISO 200

The repetition rate on the stained glass focuses the eye directly to follow the line up and across.  There is no differentiation or interference in the rhythm as it flows through the frame up to the opening window at the top where the rhythm is interrupted.

The Viaduct
1/13 second at 18mm ISO 200
The pattern in the arches draws the eye through each section of the viaduct and helps it carry onto infinity.  As the viaduct is a repeatable structure I felt it worked really well for this exercise.


Rhythm helps to make the viewer feel comfortable with a busy and full framed composition by ensuring consistency and instant recognition of the subject.  It invokes peace and helps to attract instant attention by its sense of order.  I would imagine this would be the format that advertisers would follow to market their product.

Pattern to add interest and depth with a little touch of realism by creating visual activity beyond the flat composition.

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